Last updated on Feb, 12th 2011

Xml Model Binding


July, 16th 2010 Version 0.3. Improvements and bug corrections.
May, 17th 2010 Version 0.2. Still a preliminary release.
Feb, 15th 2010 Version 0.1. Preliminary release.


Considering that XML input/output code usually looks like an XSD schema, Xml Model Binding is an XSD extension proposition for easily developping XML input/output code.

The sample below highlights the Xml Model Binding syntax extension within the Xml Schema syntax:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
            elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

    <xsd:element name="top" type="T_TopNode">
        <xmb:param>TopClass top</xmb:param>

    <xsd:complexType name="T_TopNode">
        <xmb:param>TopClass top</xmb:param>

            <xsd:element name="bar" type="xsd:int">
                <xmb:xml2model><xmb:code>top.setBar(new Integer(<xmb:value/>));</xmb:code></xmb:xml2model>

        <xsd:attribute name="foo" type="xsd:string">

And here is the java code automatically generated below. The code directly derived from the Xml Model Binding tags is highlighted:
class XmlTop {
    public boolean xml2model( J_XmlFile, TopClass top) ... {
        Xml2Model_T_TopNode(xml_CurrentNodeid4490640, top);
    void Xml2Model_T_TopNode(org.w3c.dom.Node xml_FocusNodeid4489376, TopClass top) {
        org.w3c.dom.Node xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376;

        for (   int i_Attrid4489376 = 0;
                i_Attrid4489376 < xml_FocusNodeid4489376.getAttributes().getLength();
                i_Attrid4489376 ++) {
            xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376.getAttributes().item(i_Attrid4489376);
            if (xml_CurrentNodeid4489376.getNodeName().equals("foo")) {
            xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376;

        for (   int i_Childid4489376 = 0;
                i_Childid4489376 < xml_FocusNodeid4489376.getChildNodes().getLength();
                i_Childid4489376 ++) {
            xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376.getChildNodes().item(i_Childid4489376);
            if (xml_CurrentNodeid4489376.getNodeType() == org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) continue;
            if (xml_CurrentNodeid4489376.getNodeName().equals("bar")) {
                top.setBar(new Integer(xml_CurrentNodeid4489376.getTextContent()));
            xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376;

    public boolean model2xml( J_XmlFile, TopClass top) ... {
        Model2Xml_T_TopNode(xml_CurrentNodeid4490640, top);
    void Model2Xml_T_TopNode(org.w3c.dom.Node xml_FocusNodeid4489376, TopClass top) {
        org.w3c.dom.Node xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376;

        if (true) {
            xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = createAttribute(xml_FocusNodeid4489376, "foo");
        xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376;

        if (true) {
            xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = createNode(xml_FocusNodeid4489376, "bar");
        xml_CurrentNodeid4489376 = xml_FocusNodeid4489376;


Only Java available for the moment:

  1. Write the XSD schema file describing your XML format
  2. Extend it with <xmb/> tags, giving the user code bindings with your data model (call getters and setters)
  3. Use the xmb2java tool set to produce java code

Sorry there is no user-guide nor XMB schema yet. Please check the Watch project for examples of it.


This software, written by Alexis Royer, is under BSD-like license.

This kind of license is compatible with commercial use, modification and redistribution, under the terms of the license.


date archive Description
July, 16th 2010 xmb_0.3.tgz Improvements and bug corrections.
May, 17th 2010 xmb_0.2.tgz Still a preliminary release.
Feb, 15th 2010 xmb_0.1.tgz Preliminary release.


date version Description
July, 16th 2010 0.3 Improvements:
  • script options improvement. Deletion of the DOM and SAX script versions
Bug corrections:
  • Bug(major)! Null pointer exception when reading an XML file containing special <?nodes?>
  • Bug(major)! Xml2Model pre-code and post-code generation errors when dealing with choices or sequences instead of elements >> xml2model code generation simplification
May, 17th 2010 0.2 Still a preliminary release:
  • Exception not caught anymore to let the user know when something has gone wrong
Feb, 15th 2010 0.1 Preliminary release:
  • Only Java support
  • Only full DOM support, partial SAX support (XML reading)


Still many things to do... User-guide, XMB schema, full SAX support.

Don't hesitate to for any suggestion.


Any question? Found a bug (maybe many)? Feel free to .